Chic Dabby on violence against women
David Goldberg on California ethnicity
Frank Bardacke on farm work and farm workers

Joe Paff on getting to Petrolia
Josh Pechthalt on teaching in California
Julie Guthman on food politics
Paul Kumar on corporate health care

Richard Walker on greening the Bay Area
Robin D.G. Kelley on writing about Black people
Iain Boal, John Coate and Janferie Stone and Cal Winslow on West of Eden
FALL 2012
David Samas on the Fort Hood Three
Jeffrey St Clair remembers Alexander Cockburn
John Borsos on building a healthcare workers union

John Gillis on living on the coast
Katie Romer on nursing at Kaiser Permanente
Nelson Lichtenstein on the state of the unions
Ray Raphael on writing history from Humboldt County
Summer Brenner on Richmond Tales
Susanna Hecht on the Fate of the Forests
Will Smith on playing football

William Bauer on Indian history
Alice Walker on poetry and politics
Glenda and Jesse Drew on organizing with art
Carl Finamore on becoming an organizer
Dean MacCannell on tourists and tourism

Ellen David Friedman on China’s new workers
Ignacio Chapela on the biologist’s craft
Jonathan Simon on the California prison crisis
Lauren Coodley on Upton Sinclair
Leanne Hinton on preserving native languages

Malcolm Margolin on publishing at Heyday
Mike Davis on the radical alternative
Robert Brenner on the boom and the bubble
Robin G.D. Kelley on Black Politics and Black Culture